5 Common HTTP Error Codes You Should Know

In the world of web development, HTTP error codes are like digital signposts sharing crucial information about the success or failure of a request. For beginners, understanding these codes is fundamental. In this guide, we’ll unravel the significance of five common errors, from the familiar “404 Not Found” to the mysterious “500 Internal Server Error.” Join us to gain insights into what these codes mean, why they matter, and how they can empower you in troubleshooting and improving your web development skills.

What HTTP Error Codes Are?

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the foundation of data communication on the World Wide Web. It defines a set of codes that indicate the outcome of a request between a user’s browser and a server. These codes, known as HTTP status codes, provide valuable information about the success or failure of a request.

HTTP error codes are three-digit numbers grouped into different classes. The first digit of the code specifies the general category of response, while the subsequent two digits offer more granularity. Understanding these error codes can be crucial for web developers and administrators, as they provide insights into what went wrong during a request.

5 Common HTTP Error Codes

  • 404 Not Found: One of the most recognizable error codes, the “404 Not Found”, indicates that the requested resource is not available on the server. This often occurs when a URL is mistyped, a page is deleted, or a link is broken. Users encounter a familiar “404 error” page, signalling that the content they were looking for could not be located.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: The “500 Internal Server Error” is a generic message that suggests something has gone wrong on the server side. It could be due to misconfigurations, programming errors, or other issues preventing the server from fulfilling the request. This error is a catch-all, indicating a problem that the server cannot specifically identify.
  • 403 Forbidden: When a server returns a “403 Forbidden” error, it means that the server understands the request but the server refuses to authorize it. This may occur due to insufficient permissions or authentication issues. Users attempting to access restricted areas without proper credentials often encounter this error.
  • 401 Unauthorized: Similar to the “403 Forbidden” error, the “401 Unauthorized” status code indicates that access is denied due to a lack of proper authentication. However, in this case, the server requires the user to provide valid credentials through an authentication mechanism like a username and password.
  • 400 Bad Request: The “400 Bad Request” error signifies that the server cannot process the request due to a client error. This could be caused by malformed syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing. It’s essential to check the request parameters and structure when troubleshooting this error.

Why Are They Important?

Understanding HTTP error codes is crucial for both developers and website administrators. These codes serve as diagnostic tools, helping identify and resolve issues efficiently. By analyzing error codes, developers can pinpoint the root cause of problems, leading to quicker troubleshooting and resolution.

For website administrators, familiarity with common error codes enhances the user experience. Customized error pages and clear communication of issues can guide users, reducing frustration and increasing the chances of retaining them on the site.


HTTP error codes play a pivotal role in web development and server management. Knowing the common errors, such as 404, 500, 403, 401, and 400, empowers developers and administrators to address issues swiftly. By leveraging this knowledge, websites can provide better user experiences, ensuring seamless navigation and interaction for visitors. As you delve into the world of web development, understanding these HTTP codes will prove invaluable in maintaining a robust and user-friendly online presence.

A Beginner’s Guide to ICMP: What It Is and How It Works?

Many protocols are working behind the scenes to ensure seamless communication between devices. Among these, ICMP, or Internet Control Message Protocol, plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and efficiency of our interconnected world. This beginner’s guide aims to shed light on what it is and how it works.

Understanding ICMP

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is designed to facilitate communication between network devices, detect issues, and report them back to the sender. It operates at the network layer of the OSI model, making it an integral part of the Internet Protocol Suite.

Unlike protocols that actively engage in data transfer, ICMP is more of a silent observer. It doesn’t carry data like TCP or UDP. Instead, it sends error messages or information about network conditions. These messages, often referred to as “echo requests” and “echo replies,” are the foundation of one of ICMP’s most well-known utilities: the Ping command.

ICMP Packet Format Explained

How ICMP Works: The Inner Workings

  • Echo Requests and Echo Replies

The Ping command, a familiar term for many, is built on ICMP. When you ping a device, you’re essentially sending an echo request. If the target device is reachable and operational, it responds with an echo reply. This simple yet effective mechanism is the heartbeat of many network troubleshooting processes.

  • Network Diagnostics

Internet Control Message Protocol goes beyond the Ping command. It serves as a diagnostic tool for network administrators, providing information about network connectivity, errors, and performance issues. Traceroute, another widely used network troubleshooting tool, relies on this protocol to trace the path data takes through a network.

  • Time Exceeded and Destination Unreachable

It also notifies when something goes wrong. Time Exceeded messages help identify network loops or routing errors, while Destination Unreachable messages indicate that the intended destination cannot be reached. These error messages are invaluable for network administrators trying to pinpoint and resolve issues quickly.

ICMP in Action: Real-World Applications

  • Network Monitoring

ICMP is the backbone of many network monitoring tools. By continuously sending and receiving echo requests and replies, administrators can assess the health and responsiveness of devices in real time.

  • Troubleshooting Connectivity

When network issues arise, Internet Control Message Protocol is often the first line of defence. Ping and traceroute commands assist in identifying whether a device is reachable and help isolate the location of any potential problems.

  • Security Considerations

While ICMP is a valuable tool for network management, it’s essential to consider security implications. Some security best practices involve limiting or controlling ICMP traffic to prevent potential abuse, as certain types of ICMP messages can be exploited for malicious purposes.

Conclusion: The Unseen Guardian

In the complex networking world, ICMP operates quietly, ensuring the smooth flow of information between devices. From basic connectivity checks to advanced network diagnostics, it plays a vital role in maintaining the integrity and efficiency of our interconnected world. As you delve deeper into networking, understanding this protocol and its specifics will undoubtedly empower you to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape.

5 Most Common DNS Record Types and Their Functions

In this article, we’ll delve into the world of DNS and explore the five most common DNS record types and their indispensable roles in the seamless functioning of the Internet. So, let’s begin!

DNS records explained 

DNS records are like a digital directory that stores information about domain names and their corresponding IP addresses, mail servers, aliases, and more. Each DNS record type serves a specific purpose, ensuring that internet traffic is directed to the right destination and that essential online services, such as email communication, work as intended.

Now that we have a clear understanding of what DNS records are let’s explore five of the most common DNS record types and discover their unique functions in the digital world.

A and AAAA Records: Mapping the Digital Landscape

When it comes to connecting users to web servers, A and AAAA records play a pivotal role. The A record, or Address record, links a domain to an IPv4 address, ensuring that users can access websites by typing in familiar domain names. In the evolving landscape of the Internet, the AAAA record steps in by associating a domain with an IPv6 address, catering to the growing need for more available IP addresses.

MX Records: Managing Email Flow

Email communication is an integral part of the digital ecosystem, and MX (Mail Exchange) records play a crucial role in ensuring that emails reach their intended destinations. These records specify the mail servers responsible for receiving emails on behalf of a domain. By configuring MX records, domain administrators can effectively manage the flow of emails, enhancing communication reliability.

CNAME Records: Alias for Seamless Navigation

CNAME (Canonical Name) records provide a way to create alias domain names. They map one domain to another, allowing users to access a website through multiple domain names. CNAME records are often used for creating subdomains or directing traffic to a primary domain, providing a seamless navigation experience for users.

TXT Records: Adding Context to Domains

While most DNS records focus on technical aspects, TXT (Text) records add a layer of context to domain information. These records store text-based data associated with a domain, often used for domain verification, SPF (Sender Policy Framework) configurations, and other purposes. TXT records are versatile and serve various functions beyond the typical addressing and routing.

PTR Records: Resolving IP Addresses to Hostnames

PTR (Pointer) records are instrumental in the reverse DNS lookup process. While traditional DNS resolves domain names to IP addresses, PTR records perform the reverse, mapping IP addresses to hostnames. This functionality is crucial for network diagnostics, security protocols, and ensuring the integrity of communication across the Internet.


Understanding the complexities of DNS records is essential for anyone involved in managing domains or navigating the digital landscape. The five common DNS record types explored in this article—A and AAAA records, MX records, CNAME records, TXT records, and PTR records—form the backbone of internet functionality. As we continue to witness technological advancements, a solid grasp of these DNS fundamentals becomes increasingly vital for maintaining a reliable and efficient online presence.

What is Web monitoring and how does it work?

Explaining Web monitoring

Web monitoring is a vital service that helps businesses stay ahead of the curve by ensuring their website runs correctly. This service checks your website regularly and reports errors that are not visible to the naked eye. This helps businesses prevent customers from seeing errors that could lead to frustrated customers or a loss of business.

The website monitoring service checks for many issues, such as slow loading times, broken links, and excessive downtime. This type of monitoring is beneficial if a business website is hosted on a shared server, as it will alert the business if its server is causing slowdowns for neighboring websites. Furthermore, website monitoring can be used to monitor the overall performance of a website by checking the quantity and quality of the traffic it receives. This gives businesses the ability to identify trends in external factors that could be the cause of poor performance and act accordingly. Taking such proactive steps can help companies to avoid downtime or performance issues on their website.

How does it work?

Website monitoring is an important service that helps businesses keep their website running and performing optimally. Website monitoring tools work by regularly sending automated HTTP requests to the website and checking for any errors or issues causing performance problems. This helps businesses quickly detect and address any issues, ensuring their website remains functional and reliable. In addition, regular checks are conducted from numerous locations worldwide to detect any latency problems to ensure a steady end-user experience.

Benefits of implementing Web monitoring

Web monitoring has several advantages. Here are some of them:

  • 24×7 online presence monitoring with global reach  
  • Boost performance by keeping track of critical metrics
  • Avoid outages
  • Increase customer loyalty and end-user experience
  • Maintaining customer retention
  • Improved conversion rates

Types of Web monitoring

  • Uptime Monitoring: This type of monitoring checks a website and its services for availability and ensures no downtimes occur due to server issues, cyberattacks, or any other issue.
  • Functionality Monitoring: This type of monitoring tests the functionality of your website by running scripts to interact with features like search boxes, payment processing, forms, and shopping carts.
  • Server Monitoring: This type of monitoring evaluates the performance of a website’s server by using IP/TCP protocols, as well as checking for availability and monitoring for downtimes.
  • SSL and Domain Monitoring: This type checks SSL certificates for correct configuration and tracks expiration dates, verifying DNS records, querying databases, and more.
  • Performance Monitoring: This involves tracking the performance of your website, including page loading times, Javascript performance, timeouts, and other metrics.


Website monitoring is an essential service that helps businesses ensure their website runs without hiccups. This service allows businesses to detect any errors or issues that may be present and take proactive steps to address them quickly and reduce unnecessary disruption to end-users. With all of the benefits, web monitoring is essential to any website’s digital strategy.

What is Heartbeat Monitoring and How Does it Work?

Introduction to Heartbeat (Cron-job) Monitoring – Definition

Heartbeat (Cron-job) monitoring is a process used to track system availability and performance. It is typically used to detect, monitor and diagnose system-level issues such as server uptime, process availability, and resource utilization. It sends periodic “heartbeats” or “pings” to verify the health and availability of a system or application, which can help ensure the integrity of a user experience. 

By leveraging automated system tests and performance data, cron-job monitoring allows IT teams to identify and fix potential problems before they occur. This type of monitoring is precious for organizations that rely on applications, websites, and services.

Benefits of Heartbeat Monitoring

Heartbeat monitoring is essential for any organization that utilizes the internet, applications, websites, and services. There are several benefits associated with using it, including:

  • Improved Service Availability and Performance: By monitoring the heartbeats of active server services, organizations can get meaningful information about their service-level performance. This allows them to detect any problems and address them immediately and quickly.
  • Early Warning System: Automated heartbeat monitoring is like having an early warning system in place. With it, organizations can detect potential problems before they become serious, enabling them to respond quickly and accurately.
  • Improves System Response Time: It can provide organizations with real-time feedback on the system’s performance. This insight can help organizations improve their system response times, ensuring customers can get the fast and reliable service they expect.
  • Enhances User Experience: Heartbeat monitoring can help organizations improve their user experience by detecting problems quickly and accurately. It can also help organizations proactively identify and fix potential bugs or glitches before they become an issue.

Heartbeat, Ping, TCP, and Web monitoring – Comparison

When it comes to monitoring the health and performance of a system, there are four main techniques at an organization’s disposal: Heartbeat monitoring, Ping monitoring, TCP monitoring, and Web monitoring. Here is a comparison of each of them and when to use each one:

  • Heartbeat Monitoring: It measures system availability, process availability, and response time. It is typically used to check whether or not a server or application is online and working as expected.
  • Ping Monitoring: This technique sends a series of “pings” to an application or service. If the ping responds, the application or service is seen as reachable and working as expected.
  • TCP Monitoring: This type of monitoring uses the TCP protocol to verify TCP port availability and the connection reliability of a system or application. It typically detects potential issues with a system’s networking infrastructure.
  • Web Monitoring: Web monitoring checks a system’s response time to ensure it meets its goals. It also looks for potential issues related to website downtime or slow page loading times. It is an excellent way to track user experience and ensure your website or application performs as expected.


Heartbeat monitoring is a powerful tool for any organization that relies on applications, websites, and services. By leveraging automated system tests and performance data, organizations can detect potential problems before they become issues and maintain a high-quality user experience. In addition, heartbeat monitoring helps improve system availability and response times, ensuring customers get the perfect service they deserve.

TCP monitoring – Everything you need to know

Are you looking to improve your network performance and reliability? Then, TCP monitoring is the solution you need! It provides visibility into the connection process, helps diagnose and address problems quickly, and allows you to prioritize different applications and services. Read on to find out everything you need to know about it!

TCP Monitoring – What is it, and why is it important?

TCP monitoring is an advanced network monitoring solution that allows network administrators to monitor the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) operation closely. The advantage of this technique is that it provides visibility into the steps that ensure connection reliability between two devices in different networks. This includes inspecting packet headers and sequencing acknowledgment messages, which can help identify problems such as traffic congestion or network segments with slow connection speeds. In addition, proactively monitoring and recording the status of all TCP connections within the network allows administrators to detect and address any issues quickly before they can cause further disruption or service degradation.

Benefits of TCP Monitoring

One of the critical benefits of Transmission Control Protocol monitoring is that it offers improved overall network performance. By monitoring the connection process and implementation of all the TCP connections in a network, administrators can gain valuable insights into network congestion, packet loss, and packet delay. This helps identify slow connections or networking problems and makes diagnosing and fixing them easier.

Transmission Control Protocol monitoring also provides valuable data on how different applications are utilizing the network. This helps administrators detect applications hogging too much bandwidth or eating away QoS resources, which can lead to performance issues. With Transmission Control Protocol monitoring, administrators can prioritize different applications and services, allowing business-critical applications to get the needed help.

Finally, it increases the available data for troubleshooting and hazard detection. By monitoring and recording Transmission Control Protocol connections over time, administrators can spot and proactively address upcoming problems before they take down any systems or applications. This helps maintain network reliability, reduce downtime, and ensure networks function optimally.

How to take advantage of it?

Implementing automation is one of the best ways to take advantage of TCP monitoring. Automated TCP monitoring solutions can provide real-time monitoring and alerting to identify any abnormal activity, such as high throughput or latency. Automated solutions can also provide detailed reports on network performance and application traffic, helping administrators spot any unusual patterns or suspicious connections. With automation, administrators can ensure an accurate and up-to-date view of their network performance, allowing them to identify and address any issues that arise quickly.

TCP Monitoring vs DNS Monitoring vs Ping Monitoring

TCP monitoring, DNS monitoring, and Ping monitoring are all types of network monitoring used for the same purpose: to measure and analyze the performance of a network. The key difference between each of these solutions is the protocol they are designed to monitor. For example, TCP monitoring monitors the Transmission Control Protocol, DNS monitoring monitors the Domain Name System, and ping monitoring monitors the Internet Control Message Protocol. Each solution has its own strengths and weaknesses, so network administrators should assess their specific needs to decide which solution is best for them.


TCP monitoring provides a powerful solution for improving the performance and reliability of a network. Monitoring Transmission Control Protocol connections and providing administrators with data on network congestion, packet loss, and packet delay ensures that any issues can be quickly identified and fixed to maintain optimal service levels. If you want to take advantage of the benefits of Transmission Control Protocol monitoring, implement automation for real-time monitoring, alerting, and detailed reporting.

What is TCP and Why Should You Care?

When connecting two computers to exchange data, TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is the go-to protocol for reliable and secure communication. In this blog post, we’ll be exploring exactly what TCP is, how it works, its advantages and disadvantages, and its role in DNS. Keep reading to find out more!

Explanation of TCP

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is an end-to-end transport layer protocol used to establish connections and exchange data reliably between two computers over a network. It is an integral part of the Internet Protocol Suite and provides a connection-oriented service between two hosts. Using the reliable and efficient TCP protocol, network applications can send data reliably over the network without complicated protocols such as FTP. With its reliable and efficient data transmission, Transmission Control Protocol is ideal for applications such as web browsing and data transfer services.

How does it function?

TCP uses a set of rules known as a transmission control protocol. This protocol establishes a reliable, connection-oriented link between two computers and transfers data in a series of bytes. This is achieved by breaking the data into small chunks and adding a sequence number to each data part. Then, the receiving computer reassembles the data in the same order it was sent. Additionally, Transmission Control Protocol also has features such as error checking, retransmission of lost packets, and flow control to ensure the reliability of the data transfer. By following this protocol, TCP can reliably send and receive data between two points, creating a foundation for all the information we communicate on the internet today.

Advantages and disadvantages of TCP

One of the main advantages of the TCP protocol is its reliability. Following the designated rules and sequence of the transmission control protocol, TCP ensures that data is reliably sent and received in the same order. As a result, network applications can be confident that the data they are sending or receiving is accurate and complete. Additionally, TCP’s built-in error correction and flow-control features guarantee that connection-oriented issues, such as resending lost packets and controlling the data flow, are taken care of automatically.

Despite its advantages, TCP also comes with some disadvantages. One of the most significant drawbacks of the protocol is that it can be slow, especially compared to other connectionless protocols such as UDP. Additionally, Transmission Control Protocol requires an extensive amount of additional overhead information, resulting in more network traffic. This can lead to slower speeds and higher latency on networks with limited bandwidth. Finally, TCP is connection-oriented, meaning it cannot function properly on connectionless networks such as mobile networks. For these reasons, other protocols, such as UDP, are sometimes used instead.

The role of TCP in DNS

TCP plays an essential role in DNS (Domain Name System). It is explicitly used for resolving domain names, which means it sends the queries to the correct server and receives the response. To accomplish this task, Transmission Control Protocol uses a three-way handshake to establish the connection, followed by an exchange of requests, and then the client receives the response. After the response is received, the relationship must be closed. This is known as “graceful shutdown” and is handled by TCP. In this way, it provides an essential service to DNS, ensuring that data transmission is reliable and secure.

TCP monitoring – Everything you need to know


TCP is an essential part of the Internet Protocol Suite and is reliably used to send and receive data between two points. It provides an invaluable service to network applications with built-in error checking, retransmission capabilities, flow control, and gracefully closing connections. If you’re curious about how TCP works and why you should care, start by understanding its features, applications, and security implications.

The Basics of DNS Monitoring

The Domain Name System (DNS) is vital for your business to be accessible online. It is an essential element of your infrastructure, but its correct functioning can be stopped by different situations, at any time, hardware failure, configuration errors, cyber-attacks, etc. Therefore, it requires a permanent inspection to troubleshoot fast and avoid issues as much as possible.

DNS monitoring is a solution that can help you a lot in executing these tasks. Let’s explore its basics for a better understanding.

What does DNS Monitoring mean?

DNS monitoring service means the methodical inspection of your DNS infrastructure to guarantee its correct functioning. The constant execution of this process provides valuable information about different details related to the DNS of your business. Besides, it gives certainty about the overall status and performance of the DNS. Fast detection of issues and troubleshooting are some of the benefits of DNS monitoring. Moreover, it is a solid base to build your prevention and security strategies. Fixing before issues grow big means extra benefits for your budget.

Implementing Domain Name System monitoring means tight supervision of your DNS and its elements. DNS records (PTR, SRV, NS, MX, SOA, etc.), firewalls, IP addresses, servers (primary and secondary), traffic (incoming and outgoing), and more. It will check every detail of the DNS performance. It has the necessary features to detect errors or abnormal behavior and to report such situations to the responsible IT member, to react.

The Basics of DNS Monitoring

  • DNS monitoring’s design includes modern technology to offer you tight inspection and details (information) of your DNS performance.
  • It is the most effective way to check your DNS and be aware of its functioning 24/7.
  • It does not fix issues, but it reports them fast for an expert to take action.
  • You or your IT team can monitor the DNS of your business, or you can get the service from a third party.
  • Downtime is another threat to your business and income. Different factors can cause it, and some can directly relate to the DNS. There is a big difference between discovering a failure after an hour or two and immediately. If your domain can’t be resolved, this will translate into errors and a poor experience for users. This is another area in which DNS monitoring can be very helpful. Some issues can be detected and fixed before they affect users.
  • Security is critical for all websites, applications, and networks. Customers need to trust your business to buy from you (products or services). Unfortunately, cybercrime is a constant threat you should not neglect. Cybercriminals can target your business and customers from remote locations and different time zones at any time. Criminals know, as well as you, the relevance of your DNS, so it is not rare they attack this infrastructure. DNS monitoring can detect the threat and report it to you to stop it. DNS monitoring truly contributes to strengthening your security.

Suggested article: Premium DNS: How to get started?


DNS monitoring is a sharp-eyes vigilant. It can be your next big partner!

Ping monitoring – Ensure uptime for your website

Being sure that your website is available on the Internet is an essential task you shouldn’t neglect. To check it 24/7 sounds complicated for a human, but not for Ping monitoring. Let’s find out more about it!

What is a Ping?

Ping or Packet Inter-Network Groper is a basic software utility often used by administrators of computing networks to test if a computer is reachable on an IP network. A ping is a tool that works on pretty much all operating systems (OS) with networking capability.

Shortly explained, Ping sends an echo request message to the IP of the computer that is being checked. It uses the ICMP or Internet Control Message Protocol. Then, it waits for an echo reply.

Check out an amazing Ping Monitoring service!

What does Ping monitoring mean?

Ping monitoring means a method of tracking network computer systems or domain names through the use of the Ping utility. In practical terms, Ping monitoring means an automated option to check if a network device (IP) or domain address responds, the quality of the connection, and the overall health of a system.

Downtime is a big concern for website owners because, during this time, their business is unavailable for users. As a result, the sales and business image are at risk! In this sense, Ping monitoring also means an effective and automated way to detect if your website stops responding or is inaccessible due to an outage. It detects the issue and alerts you to take fast action.

How does Ping monitoring work?

Ping monitoring works by sending automated ICMP echo requests to the destination you want to check. Then, it waits for echo replies, and based on them, it informs you about incidents or just continues monitoring.

You only have to point out the device or website (IP) to be checked and decide the frequency for the checking.

There are many types of websites. For some, operating with 100% uptime is essential. The big advantage of automated monitoring is that it can work constantly. Choose what is best for your business. Some administrators program these checkings every 30 seconds, others every 10 or more minutes.

Getting a reply, without packet loss, for the requests Ping monitoring sends is the best health signal you can get. It means everything is fine, so the monitor can keep working. However, if there is packet loss, the monitor will report this data. That is very useful for diagnosing or improving.

Now you know the device (computer, laptop, smartphone, etc) or website is online. Additionally, the monitor will test the strength or quality of the connection. It does this based on the response time that the Ping took.

If the Ping doesn’t get a reply, the monitor will begin a downtime incident. So it will alert the people you previously defined as responsible in such situations.

Suggested article: How to use Monitoring services to improve your business?


Ping monitoring is a very useful tool to ensure uptime for your website! Let it be in charge of checking your essential devices while you make the best out of the business’ uptime.

How to use Monitoring services to improve your business?

Explanation of the Monitoring Service

The Monitoring service provides detailed information on the status of your servers, which you use for various services such as web, email, DNS, and others.

It enables you to monitor and comprehend the status of your servers continuously. You can identify several issues, such as component failure or high traffic, by routinely scanning your network. A service like this will notify you automatically if a problem occurs via email, text, or another method like webhooks.

Yes, this Monitoring service maintains a careful eye on the functionality of your IT services and recognizes and fixes any issues immediately. Additionally, it monitors the infrastructure by compiling Monitoring information from operational probes. The unprocessed data is compiled into statistics and made available via an intuitive user interface.

Which are the different types of Monitoring service checks?

The Monitoring service provides many tests to help you determine a service’s status. There are various ways to analyze a service’s uptime or downtime. In addition, you are informed if a check is unsuccessful. Here are a few examples of the most typical check types:

  • ICMP Ping check

Ping Monitoring check offers details on network activity involving a specific domain or IP address. The system tests an IP address using the ICMP ping protocol. A certain threshold, such as 50%, must be met for the check to be judged ineffective.

  • TCP Monitoring check

TCP Monitoring system establishes a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection using the supplied IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) and port number.

  • DNS Monitoring check

DNS (Domain Name System) is the next element on our list. DNS Monitoring performs a DNS query for the hostname specified by you or your administrator. You can also select the query type for the given IP address.

  • UDP Monitoring check

It establishes a UDP (User Datagram Protocol) connection to the specified IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) and port number. If it fails, it is marked as DOWN.

Is the Monitoring service costly?

Certainly not! There is an entirely free Monitoring service. It provides the service’s essential features. As a result, it includes fewer Monitoring checks, shorter Monitoring intervals, and longer log retention days. In other words, Free Monitoring is better suited for small businesses with low query and web traffic. However, if your company is large, you should select the Monitoring service from the paid plans.

Recommended article: Premium DNS: How to get started?


In the end, a Monitoring service is vital for your company to operate effectively and without incident. It reduces downtime, improves visibility, and finds problems. Therefore, isn’t it good to try it? Good fortune!