The Basics of DNS Monitoring

The Domain Name System (DNS) is vital for your business to be accessible online. It is an essential element of your infrastructure, but its correct functioning can be stopped by different situations, at any time, hardware failure, configuration errors, cyber-attacks, etc. Therefore, it requires a permanent inspection to troubleshoot fast and avoid issues as much as possible.

DNS monitoring is a solution that can help you a lot in executing these tasks. Let’s explore its basics for a better understanding.

What does DNS Monitoring mean?

DNS monitoring service means the methodical inspection of your DNS infrastructure to guarantee its correct functioning. The constant execution of this process provides valuable information about different details related to the DNS of your business. Besides, it gives certainty about the overall status and performance of the DNS. Fast detection of issues and troubleshooting are some of the benefits of DNS monitoring. Moreover, it is a solid base to build your prevention and security strategies. Fixing before issues grow big means extra benefits for your budget.

Implementing Domain Name System monitoring means tight supervision of your DNS and its elements. DNS records (PTR, SRV, NS, MX, SOA, etc.), firewalls, IP addresses, servers (primary and secondary), traffic (incoming and outgoing), and more. It will check every detail of the DNS performance. It has the necessary features to detect errors or abnormal behavior and to report such situations to the responsible IT member, to react.

The Basics of DNS Monitoring

  • DNS monitoring’s design includes modern technology to offer you tight inspection and details (information) of your DNS performance.
  • It is the most effective way to check your DNS and be aware of its functioning 24/7.
  • It does not fix issues, but it reports them fast for an expert to take action.
  • You or your IT team can monitor the DNS of your business, or you can get the service from a third party.
  • Downtime is another threat to your business and income. Different factors can cause it, and some can directly relate to the DNS. There is a big difference between discovering a failure after an hour or two and immediately. If your domain can’t be resolved, this will translate into errors and a poor experience for users. This is another area in which DNS monitoring can be very helpful. Some issues can be detected and fixed before they affect users.
  • Security is critical for all websites, applications, and networks. Customers need to trust your business to buy from you (products or services). Unfortunately, cybercrime is a constant threat you should not neglect. Cybercriminals can target your business and customers from remote locations and different time zones at any time. Criminals know, as well as you, the relevance of your DNS, so it is not rare they attack this infrastructure. DNS monitoring can detect the threat and report it to you to stop it. DNS monitoring truly contributes to strengthening your security.

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DNS monitoring is a sharp-eyes vigilant. It can be your next big partner!